Sesión de Respiración Psicodélica
Nuestras sesiones de Breathwork, son una experiencia directa de conexión, sanación, integración y expansión a través del poder de la Respiración Psicodélica
Esta respiración rítmica rápida reduce el cortisol (hormona del estrés) y aumenta la dopamina (la hormona de la motivación y la acción). Los beneficios de este tipo de respiración son comparables con los beneficios obtenidos a través terapias con medicina psicodélica y plantas sagradas a nivel de la salud del cuerpo y la psique, y como potentes catalizadores de apertura espiritual y de experiencias místicas.
By participating on the Breathwork session, you agree to the following terms:
Puedo leer y entender claramente esta informacion en Inglés.
Medical Information to participate in a Bliss Breathwork session:
This Breathwork is intended as a personal growth experience, and should not be looked upon as a substitute for psychotherapy. This Breathwork may involve dramatic experiences accompanied by strong emotional and physical release. These sessions are not appropriate for pregnant women or for persons with cardiovascular problems, severe hypertension, severe mental illness, recent surgery or fractures, acute infectious illness, epilepsy or any other one recommended by your doctor.
You affirm that you have sought medical advice regarding your physical and mental fitness or are certain of your ability to participate in this event.
You acknowledge that the organizers cannot guarantee that you will not become infected with COVID-19 or any other virus. You acknowledge that there is an inherent risk of infection or exposure to COVID-19 that exists in any public place where people are present.
You accept to be photographed or video recorded and probably posted on Bliss Experience, LLC , Respitacion Psicodelica social media or it’s owners social pages, websites, fliers and more.
You understand that this release discharges the “organizers” or any associated entity from any liability claim that you, your heirs, and your assigns may have the “organizers” with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received by the “organizers”, or any associated entity and you are entering into this release voluntarily and at your own risk. To the extent not prohibited by applicable law, you also agree to indemnify the “organizers” against all claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, costs or expenses, including attorney fees and other litigation costs, which may in any way arise from your participation in this event.
By purchasing this ticket electronically, you agree with all the terms on this agreement.